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* The Conflict of Laws in Hong Kong 4th ed

New * The Conflict of Laws in Hong Kong 4th ed
Product ISBN: 9789888591749
Status: Coming Soon (Pre-order Now)

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Conflicts of Law in Hong Kong, Fourth Edition is an essential resource for legal practitioners and scholars dealing with cross-border legal issues in the region. The latest edition has been thoroughly updated to reflect the most recent developments, incorporating a wealth of new case law from Hong Kong, as well as pertinent legal precedents from the UK and other jurisdictions. With its detailed examination of new Hong Kong cases and authoritative commentary, this book stands as a pivotal text for understanding conflict of laws in Hong Kong.

Firstly, this includes a new chapter focusing on insolvency, due to a substantial increase in the number of decided Hong Kong cases dealing with cross-border aspects of corporate insolvency. Numerous important new cases on insolvency are covered in the text.

Secondly, the enforceability of Mainland judgments in Hong Kong and of Hong Kong judgments in the Mainland has been transformed by the enactment in 2019 of the new Mainland Judgments (Reciprocal Enforcement) Ordinance. This is modelled in part on the provisions of the Hague Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters. However, the new Ordinances covers not only a wide range of judgments in contractual and tortious matters, but also judgments given in certain types of disputes over intellectual properties rights.