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The American Convention on Human Rights: A Critical Commentary

The American Convention on Human Rights: A Critical Commentary
Product ISBN: 9780190222345
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The American Convention on Human Rights: A Commentary is the first comprehensive and systematic article-by-article commentary of the American Convention on Human Rights (ACHR) in English. This book offers an exhaustive and critical analysis of each of the 82 articles of the Convention, covering the substantive elements of the rights and freedoms protected, as well as institutional and procedural aspects. Each chapter contains an introduction and a comparative perspective of the provision commented on; a review of the drafting history of the provision; and a critical commentary on the interpretation of the provision in light of the rich case-law of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights.

table of content

Table of Cases
Table of Legislation
List of Abbreviations
Part I. State Obligations and Rights Protected
Chapter I. General Obligations
Chapter II. Civil and Political Rights
Chapter III - Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights
Chapter IV - Suspension of Guarantees, Interpretation, and Application
Chapter V - Personal Responsibilities
Part II - Means of Protection
Chapter VI - Competent Organs
Chapter VII - Inter-American Commission on Human Rights
Chapter VIII - Inter-American Court of Human Rights
Chapter IX - Common Provisions
Part III - General and Transitory Provisions
Chapter X - Signature, Ratification, Reservations, Amendments, Protocols, and Denunciation
Chapter XI - Transitory Provisions