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Butterworths Hong Kong Insurance Law Handbook 2nd ed

Butterworths Hong Kong Insurance Law Handbook 2nd ed
Product ISBN: 9789888815616
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Butterworths Hong Kong Insurance Law Handbook - Second Edition is a comprehensive work of reference detailing section by section annotations of the Insurance Ordinance (Cap 41), together with a concise and straightforward introduction to the principles and current developments of insurance law in Hong Kong.


This Handbook reproduces the text of the Insurance Ordinance and all relevant subsidiary legislation as currently in force and includes amendment notes, carefully researched case authorities, expert commentary, key definitions, and other authoritative material presented in a clear and succinct style. In addition, cross-references are made to subsidiary legislation and to tables and forms where necessary. This Handbook will be an essential companion for lawyers, businesspersons, in-house counsel, academics, and all those who are engaged with or interested in insurance law in Hong Kong.