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Hong Kong Company Law 15th ed

Hong Kong Company Law 15th ed
Product ISBN: 9789888645664
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Hong Kong Company Law 15th Edition

This popular and established textbook continues to provide an up to date and accessible guide to company law in Hong Kong. This Latest edition has been updated to include the 2016 & 2018 revisions to the Companies Ordinance, Cap 622 and the Companies (Winding up and Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance, Cap 32. It also includes recent case law.

Features of the new edition include:

  • The alignment of many of the chapters with Cap 622.
  • Extended introductions to each chapter that highlight any key definitions and features
  • An entire chapter explaining the functions of Companies Registry and the role of the Companies Registrar
  • A checklist of the key sections explains explained in each chapter

Overall, HONG KONG COMPANY LAW provides students with a clear and accurate introduction to company law in Hong Kong. It covers the syllabus requirements of most non-specialist company law courses at undergraduate and Diploma level, and the company law syllabuses of the Hong Kong professional bodies, in particular: HKICPA, ACCA, HKCIMA, HKAAT and the HKICSA.

Table of cases
Companies Ordinance (Cap 622)
Companies (Winding Up and Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance (Cap 32)

  1. The Nature of Company
  1. Directors and Company Secretaries
  1. Promotion, Incorporation, and Membership
  1. Dealings by Directors
  1. Non-Hong Kong Companies
  1. Administration and Procedures
  1. The Company Registry
  1. Control and Remedies for Abuse of Control
  1. Share capital
  1. Arrangements, Amalgamations and Compulsory Acquisition in Takeovers and General Offers
  1. Raising capital
  1. Listed Companies
  1. Shares and Their Transfer
  1. Investigations and Enquiries
  1. Maintenance of Capital
  1. Winding-up by the Court
  1. Distribution of Profits and Assets
  1. The Assets of a Company Available for Distribution
  1. Debentures and Charges
  1. Voluntary winding-up
  1. Accounts and Audit
  1. Completion of Winding-up and Dissolution
  2. Index