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Cross on Evidence 13th ed

Cross on Evidence 13th ed
Product ISBN: 9780409355727
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Now in its thirteenth edition, this fully updated text, written by the Honourable J D Heydon AC QC, provides a detailed and authoritative analysis of the rules of the law of evidence in Australia. It contains explicit statements of doctrine together with an exposition of the principles underlying the various rules. It is the only significant Australian text which covers the entirety of the law of evidence in Australia, both in the uniform jurisdictions and the states which have separate regimes.


• Authoritative text on the law of evidence
• Covers civil and criminal law of evidence in all Australian jurisdictions
• Outlines both the detail of the law and the principles on which it rests

Related Titles

• Cross on Evidence – looseleaf and online
• Field, LexisNexis Q&A: Evidence for Common Law States, 3rd ed, 2019
• Heydon & Leeming, Jacobs’ Law of Trusts in Australia, 8th ed, 2016
• QRC Evidence for Common Law States, 2nd ed, 2019