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Duncan and Neill on Defamation 5th ed

Duncan and Neill on Defamation 5th ed
Product ISBN: 9781474317221
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Duncan and Neill is a leading authority on defamation law and other related types of action, and as such is an essential edition to the legal library of all practitioners specialising in this area, as well as students/academics and generalists who require a clear overview of the subject.

It is a concise and comprehensive work on defamation, but also covers privacy, misuse of private information, malicious falsehood, harassment and data protection. Previous editions have been cited frequently by first instance and appellate courts.

The new fifth edition covers developments in the law and practice of the areas covered in the book since the last edition, including:

  • Coverage of key cases, eg. Lachaux, Stoker, Monroe v Hopkins
  • Misuse of private information, eg. Cliff Richard, ZXC v Bloomberg
  • Right to be forgotten
  • Data protection
  • Public interest defence, eg. Economou