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Quantification of Delay and Disruption in Construction & Engineering Projects 2nd ed

Quantification of Delay and Disruption in Construction & Engineering Projects 2nd ed
Product ISBN: 9780455502090
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Delay and disruption are endemic in the construction industry and result in time and cost overruns. It is therefore essential that delays and/or disruptions are identified early, so that corrective action can be taken.

However, when delay and/or disruption actually occurs, the issue of quantifying the period of delay, the effects of disruption, and the quantification of the resulting loss is complicated.

This book is a practical guide to the quantification of loss caused by delay and disruption. It is relevant to construction professionals in Australia and internationally, and provides a review and analysis of:

  • The planning and programming of a construction project;
  • The primary methods of delay analysis; and
  • The methods to quantify financial loss caused by delay and by disruption.

New developments in the Second Edition include:

  • DD Quantum Expert App will be referenced throughout the book to assist the readers’ understanding of how to quantify the contractor’s financial entitlement due to delay and/or disruption;
  • References to the ASCE Standard, ANSI/ASCE/CI 67-17, Schedule Delay Analysis (2017, American Society of Civil Engineers) to further explain the various methods of delay analysis;
  • More detailed examination of the various methods of delay analysis will be provided;
  • Relevant case law since the First Edition published in 2017; and
  • Additional case law scenarios throughout the book based on both Australian and international case law.

The new additions in this Second Edition will … cement this book as a leading ‘go to’ text in this complex and all-important area of construction and engineering. (He is) is to be congratulated on the substantial additions to his first edition.” – From the Foreword, Hon. Peter Vickery QC

table of content



Scenarios, Figures and Tables

Table of Cases

1. Introduction

2. Planning and Programming

3. Extensions of Time

4. Delay Analysis

5. Quantification of Loss Caused by Delay

6. Quantification of Loss Caused by Disruption

7. Global Claims for Delay and Disruption

