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Goods in Transit 5th ed

Goods in Transit 5th ed
Product ISBN: 9780414114227
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The subject matter of Goods in Transit is of increasing relevance as international trade and globalisation increase. The work gathers together and integrates in a unique, accessible and practical form many aspects of general commercial, shipping, contract, bailment, tort, property, agency and transport law in one place.

  • Considers key areas of contract, bailment, tort, property, sale of goods and banking law as relevant to the movement of goods
  • Deals with trans-national transportation rail, road, sea and air in the context of the various international transport conventions and multi-modal transport
  • Analyses in detail the law of agency and the law of bailment in the context of carriage of goods and international trade law
  • Examines the property elements in carriage of goods and international trade law
  • Analyses the multifarious complex domestic and international statutory and contractual liability regimes applicable to carriers and other bailees
  • Considers the various issues raised by outsourcing, logistics and project forwarding contracts


The fifth edition covers number of key cases, including:

  • Scipion Active Trading Fund v Vallis Group Ltd [2020] EWHC 1451 (Comm) Henshaw J Contractual and bailees estoppel
  • Sevylor Shipping and Trading Corp v Altfadul Co for Foods, Fruits & Livestock (The Baltic Strait) [2018] EWHC 629 (Comm), [2018] 2 Lloyd's Rep 33 at [18]-[25] per Andrew Baker J: right of bill of lading holder suing on the bill of lading in contract to recover full damages
  • Volcafe Ltd v Compania Sud Americana De Vapores SA (CSAV) [2018] UKSC 61 Bailment and the Hague and Hague-Visby Rules; the burden of proof, inherent vice and causation
  • Alize 1954 v Allianz Elementar Versicherungs AG [2021] UKSC 51 Shipowner’s obligation to exercise due diligence to make a vessel seaworthy
  • Dera Commercial Estate v Derya Inc [2018] EWHC 1673 (Comm) Carr J. Deviation
  • K Line Pte Ltd v Priminds Shipping (HK) Co Ltd (The Eternal Bliss) [2021] EWCA Civ 1712 Males LJ demurrage

table of content

Part I: Agency
1. Agent and Principal
2. Agents and Third Parties
Part II: Interests in Goods
3. Ownership, Possession and Risk
4. Bailee and Bailor
Part III: Carriage Documents
5. Bills of Lading, Waybills and Consignment Notes
6. Receipts in Bailment
Part IV: The Causes of Action
7. Contractual Claims
8. Misrepresentation Claims
9. Bailment Claims
10. Tort Claims
11. Restitution, Contribution and Debt Claims
12. Assignment
13. Election, Waiver and Discharge
14. Damages
15. Causation and Remoteness in Damages
16. Limitation
17. Time Bars
Part V: Liability Regime
18. Carriers and Forwarders
19. The International Carriage Conventions
20. Statutory and Contractual Liability Regimes
21. Risk Allocation and Transfer
22. Duties and Liabilities of the Merchant
Part VI: Miscellaneous Issues
23. Charges
24. Illegality and Public Policy