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Marine Insurance: The Law in Transition

Marine Insurance: The Law in Transition
Product ISBN: 9781843115359
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The book examines and analyses in depth the specific issues which are currently occupying the marine insurance markets and the law. The London market is currently re-examining its practices and international competitiveness; and the English case law is growing significantly. The issues identified in the book are the "fundamental issues" on which marine insurance law is based, and which are in the process of being re-examined and developed further to respond to the needs of modern insurance practice. They are of wider interest to insurance law in general and the evolution of English law is analysed against the backdrop of legal developments in Europe and Scandinavia.

Chapter 1. Trends in the Interpretation of Marine Insurance Contracts Professor Malcolm Clarke
Chapter 2. Insurable Interest- Accelerating the Liberal Spirit Professor D. Rhidian Thomas
Chapter 3. Pre-Contractual Duty of Utmost Good Faith- Materiality and Remedies Peter MacDonald Eggers
Chapter 4. The Post-Contractual Duties of Good Faith in Marine Insurance Policies: The Search for Elusive Principles David Foxton
Chapter 5. Classification of Terms in Marine Insurance Contracts in the Context of Contemporary Developments Baris Soyer
Chapter 6. The New London Market Principals' Slip Peter Rogan
Chapter 7. The International Hull Clauses 2003 Chris Zavos
Chapter 8. Comparative Marine Insurance Law: Highlighting the Significant Features of Marine Insurance Law in Belgium and Other Selected European Legal Systems Professor Marc A. Huybrechts
Chapter 9. Comparative Lessons Derivable from the Norwegian Marine Insurance Plan 1996 Haakon Stang Lund
Chapter 10. The Marine Insurance Act 1906: Judicial Attitudes and Innovation - Time for Reform? Peter MacDonald Eggers