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Bennion, Bailey and Norbury on Statutory Interpretation 8th ed with 1st Supplement

Bennion, Bailey and Norbury on Statutory Interpretation 8th ed with 1st Supplement
Product ISBN: 9781474326575
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Bennion, Bailey and Norbury on Statutory Interpretation is the leading work on statutory interpretation. It provides a clear and comprehensive guide to understanding, interpreting and applying legislation. Regularly used by practitioners and academics, and frequently cited in judgments throughout the common law world, it is a trusted and authoritative resource. The eighth edition continues to enhance the presentation and scope of the content, including new chapters on devolution contributed by subject experts.

The material in this new edition has been extensively restructured, and in places rewritten, to improve accessibility and enhance the content. The edition has been produced by a new editorial team, with Professor David Feldman QC (Hon) FBA, Rouse Ball Professor of English Law, as consultant editor.

Key features:

  • comprehensive and up to date account of statutory interpretation
  • logical structure and overviews enable readers to find information quickly
  • each section begins with a succinct legal proposition, which is followed by more detailed commentary and analysis
  • extensive examples illustrate the application of principles discussed in the text


The 8th edition, published in December 2020, has now been updated with an accompanying paperback Supplement published in December 2022.