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Butterworths Hong Kong Partnership Law Handbook 3rd ed

Butterworths Hong Kong Partnership Law Handbook 3rd ed
Product ISBN: 9789888764310
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The Butterworths Hong Kong Partnership Law Handbook (Third Edition) includes detailed analysis and annotations to the Limited Partnerships Ordinance (Cap 37), the Partnership Ordinance (Cap 38), and the Business Registration Ordinance (Cap 310). Selected sections of the Inland Revenue Ordinance (Cap 112) and The Rules of the High Court (Cap 4A) have been included to provide a more thorough coverage to this area of law.

All relevant cases and legislation are succinctly discussed in this practical guide. The third edition has been comprehensively reviewed and updated, and serves as an important source of information for practitioners, businesspersons, academics, and all those engaged with or interested in partnership law in Hong Kong. This series has been cited with authority in over one hundred court cases in the Hong Kong Court of First Instance, Court of Appeal and Court of Final Appeal.