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Butterworths Hong Kong Data Privacy Law Handbook 2nd ed

Butterworths Hong Kong Data Privacy Law Handbook 2nd ed
Product ISBN: 9789888764303
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The Butterworths Hong Kong Data Privacy Law Handbook - Second Edition is a detailed work of reference containing up-to-date materials on the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap 486), the major piece of legislation pertaining to matters on personal data privacy in Hong Kong, and the proposed legislative amendments which have been in consideration by the Hong Kong Government since 2020.

The Handbook reproduces the text of the Ordinance as currently in force, together with details on amendments and repeals. The Handbook provide section-by-section annotations to the Ordinance, which encompass significant judicial decisions and rules of the court, as well as notes ranging from definitions of words and phrases to discussion on practical aspects and contentious issues.

This Handbook will be an indispensable companion for lawyers, businesspersons, in-house counsels, academics, and all those who are engaged or interested in data privacy in Hong Kong.