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Equity and Trusts in Hong Kong: Doctrines, Remedies and Institutions 2nd ed + Proview

Equity and Trusts in Hong Kong: Doctrines, Remedies and Institutions 2nd ed + Proview
Product ISBN: 9789626615614
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•Discusses the worlds’ first detailed consideration of anti-Bartlett clauses by an appellate court in the Court of Final Appeal’s decision in Zhang Hong Li v DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Ltd [2019] HKCFA 45.
• Considers the fiduciary duty of trustees including the concept of a residual fiduciary duty after Zhang Hong Li v DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Ltd [2019] HKCFA 45.
• A chapter discussing the relationship between equity and unjust enrichment.
• Fresh consideration of the approach to property ownership disputes involving the doctrines of common intention constructive trust, proprietary estoppel, and the resurrection of the presumption of resulting trust after the privy council decisions of Marr v Collie (Bahamas) [2017] UKPC 17 and Whitlock v Moree (Bahamas) [2017] UKPC 44.
• Submission that the common law doctrine of sham should not apply to trusts, considering JSC Mezhdunarodniy Promyshlenniy Bank and another v Pugachev (Pugachev v. Pugachev) [2017] EWHC 2426 (Ch)
• Considers why Hong Kong has no need of the possible new doctrine of estoppel that may be developing in England after the English Court of Appeal decision in Pennington v. Waine [2002] EWCA Civ 227.
• A chapter considering the importance of special trust jurisdictions for trust business in Hong Kong, including Cayman Islands, British Virgin Islands and Bermuda.