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The TRIPS Agreement: Drafting History and Analysis 5th ed

The TRIPS Agreement: Drafting History and Analysis 5th ed
Product ISBN: 9780414057432
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The leading commentary on the TRIPS Agreement. This authoritative work exhaustively charts the evolution of TRIPS and offers comprehensive analysis of every article, written by an expert who was actively involved in the original negotiations. It is an invaluable resource and fully updated with the latest cases and panel discussions.

  • Provides a complete set of tools for understanding the trade rules and intellectual property concepts that make up the TRIPS Agreement
  • Presents an exhaustive commentary on all 79 Articles of the Agreement
  • Reproduces legislation, agreements and decisions
  • Traces the development of the TRIPS Agreement, explaining the political, commercial and legal forces that have shaped its evolution
  • Demonstrates the effect of TRIPS Agreement through analysis of recent cases
  • Analyses bilateral and regional agreements based on TRIPS explaining their impact on practitioners working in countries party to them
  • Reflects dispute-settlement panel reports, the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) and other developments, including the fate of the Doha Round
  • Discusses the likely future impact of TRIPS on the IP framework