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A Guide to the CIETAC Arbitration Rules

A Guide to the CIETAC Arbitration Rules
Product ISBN: 9780199671717
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The China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC) is the largest permanent arbitration centre in the world, with a fast-growing case load and rising international profile.

This commentary on the CIETAC 2012 Arbitration Rules provides guidance on the rules, alongside practical and procedural recommendations from practitioners of unparalleled experience. This is a rule-by-rule examination of the inception, interpretation and application of the new rules, which makes comparative reference to the rules of other institutions and considers all relevant case law and legislation.

The commentary groups the rules thematically according to the principle areas of practitioner interest, including chapters on: Jurisdiction and the Arbitration Agreement

  • Commencing the Arbitration
  • Formation and Challenges to the Arbitral Tribunal
  • Conduct of Proceedings
  • Awards
  • Summary Procedure and Costs.

The text concludes with a chapter on the practical aspects of arbitrating in China, ensuring the book is a comprehensive reference work for practitioners in the field.

table of content

1. Introduction
2. CIETAC and the CIETAC Rules (Articles 1-2, 4, 73 and 74)
3. Jurisdiction and the Arbitration Agreement (Articles 3, 5 and 7)
4. Commencing the Arbitration (Articles 8 and 11-19)
5. The Arbitral Tribunal: Formation and Challenge (Articles 22-32)
6. Conduct of the Arbitration Proceedings (Articles 20-21, 33-35 and 37-45)
7. Awards (Articles 46-53)
8. Summary Procedure (Articles 54-70)
9. Costs (Article 72)
10. Miscellaneous Provisions (Article 36)
11. Some Practical Aspects of Arbitrating in China