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Trading Trusts Explained 2nd ed

Trading Trusts Explained 2nd ed
Product ISBN: 9780409358407
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Trading Trusts Explained 2nd edition is a quick introductory reference that aims to guide the commercial readers through the maze that is the interaction of corporations law and trust law. 

This edition of Trading Trusts Explained considers a few significant developments in this area of the law since 2018. One is the decision of the High Court in Carter Holt Harvey Woodproducts Australia Pty Ltd v The Commonwealth of Australia. The thrust of that decision is that the priorities set out in the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) apply when a company in liquidation is the trustee of a trading trust. Another is the Commonwealth Government review, Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services into corporate insolvency in Australia. The committee accepted that ‘cohesive legislative reform’ is warranted.


  • An accessible introduction to a complex area of Australian commerce
  • Covers the entire life cycle of a trading trust in many short chapters
  • Suitable for anyone starting out in practice as a commercial lawyer, an accountant in private practice, or a student completing a practical legal training course on commercial law
  • Includes a useful chart of companies and trusts often recommended by lawyers and accountants for a trading entity
  • Provides examples of trust deeds
  • Comes with a checklist of questions to ask before adopting a trading structure


table of content

Chapter 01   Introduction           

Chapter 02   Typical Structure    

Chapter 03   Establishing the Structure  

Chapter 04   Basic Principles       

Chapter 05   Advantages and Disadvantages       

Chapter 06   The Growth of Trading Trusts          

Chapter 07   Control Without Ownership             

Chapter 08   Tax Treatment        

Chapter 09   Existence of A Trust             

Chapter 10   Accounting

Chapter 11   Dispute    

Chapter 12   Mediation

Chapter 13   Indemnity from Trust Assets            

Chapter 14   Indemnity from Beneficiaries           

Chapter 15   Creditors’ Right of Subrogation to the Right of Indemnity    

Chapter 16   Exclusion of the Right of Indemnity

Chapter 17   Disqualification of Trustees

Chapter 18   Company Winding Up         

Chapter 19   Winding Up A Trust

Chapter 20   Replacement of A Trustee  

Chapter 21   Appointment of A Receiver

Chapter 22   Challenging A Trustee         

Chapter 23   Personal Liability of Directors of Trustee Companies

Chapter 24   Asset Protection     

Chapter 25   Procedure

Chapter 26   Trustee’s Power of Sale      

Chapter 27   Remuneration        

Chapter 28   Conclusion

Appendix 1  Chart of Companies and Trusts        

Appendix 2  Examples of Trust Deeds    

Appendix 3  Checklist