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Civil Procedure in Hong Kong 7th ed

Civil Procedure in Hong Kong 7th ed
Product ISBN: 9789888814367
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This book aims to provide practitioners with a clear and up-to-date exposition of the rules and judicial decisions governing the conduct of civil litigation in Hong Kong. The Civil Justice Reform has now been effective for more than 13 years and there are many judicial decisions reflecting judicial approaches and attitudes to the implementation of the new rules. The jury is, however, still out as to whether the Reform has significantly achieved its objectives. Aside from chronicling these recent developments, this edition also includes the most updated and significant cases touching upon not only the new rules but also those rules unaffected by the Reform. In fact, there is a considerable body of important decisions continuously emanating from the courts which render the task of civil litigation practitioners ever more demanding. The contributions of the late Professor Michael Wilkinson to the previous editions of this publication are deeply appreciated.


Michael Wilkinson - BA, LLB (Cantab), Adjunct Professor, Barrister of the Inner Temple, former Head of the Department of Professional Legal Education and Chairman of the Law Faculty Board at The University of Hong Kong. Former member of the Chief Justice's Working Party on Civil Justice Reform, former member of the Law Reform Commission. Public Orator of the University of Hong Kong.

Eric TM Cheung - Solicitor Advocate (with Higher Rights of Audience in Criminal Cases), HKMAAL Accredited Mediator, Principal Lecturer and Director of Clinical Legal Education, Hong Kong University

Gary Meggitt - MA (Oxon), MPhil (HKU), ACII, MCIArb; Barrister-at-Law of Lincoln's Inn, Solicitor Advocate of the Senior Courts of England and Wales, CEDR Accredited Mediator, Associate Professor, Department of Professional Legal Education, University of Hong Kong.