Secondhand Titles


Bloomsbury books Ltd provides re-sale services of secondhand law books and reports for our customers. We also search specific secondhand titles for customers and librarians.

Please note that we are NOT able to take secondhand items into stock as most secondhand titles will bear the stamps of previous owners.


Contact details:



(852) 2877 3161


(852) 2810 0316



Secondhand law books and reports (for Re-sale):


Ref AA
Atkinis Court Forms Hong Kong (Vol. 1 to 9) in good condition sale HK$16,000
Halsbury's Law of Hong Kong (50 Vols.Set) in good condition sale HK$70,000
Hong Kong Cases (1946 to 2014) in good condition sale HK$70,000
Law Reports - Rainbow Set (1865-2013) in good condition sale HK$120,000
Criminal Appeal Reports (1945-2014) in good condition sale HK$200,000
The All England law reports (1936-2014) in good condition sale HK$100,000
Ref AT
Hong Kong Civil Court Practice, Vol 1 & 1A updated to Issue 30 and Vol 2 & 2A updated to Issue 15 (Lexis Nexis Asia) sale HK$6,000
Hong Kong Conveyancy Law & Practice - up to Issue 35 in excellent condition sale HK$5,000
Banking Law HKSAR & PRC - up to Issue 17 in excellent condition sale HK$5,000
Ref BB:
Palmers Company Law Loose-leaf up to 2009 sale HK$5,000
Ref BBL:
CCH British Tax Library Vol.1-7 + Index (up to 2015 June) sale HK$12,000
Ref CM:
All England Law Reports 1936-2013 (Bound Volume) sale HK$140,000
Ref DF:
Commentaries on the Laws of England 1775 (4 volumes) sale HK$12,000
Ref GP:
Laws of HK (up to Issue 46) sale HK$20,000
Ref GPL: 
Family Law Reports 1980 to 2009 in good condition sale HK$80,000
Laws of Hong Kong (up to issue 43) sale HK$78,500
Laws of Hong Kong – up to Issue 35 2006 sale HK$70,000
1 Complete set of Halsbury's law of England in good condition (up to Dec 2015)                                                                 sale HK$73,000
Gore-Browne on Companies with Bulletin in good conditiion (up to Apr 2018)                                                                    sale HK$10,100
Jordans Company Administration and Governance in good condition (up to Mar 2018)                                                        sale HK$5,100
Hong Kong Employment Ordinance in good condition (up to issue 35)                                                                                  sale HK$4,000
Hong Kong Conveyancing in good condition  (up to Dec 2015)                                                                                              sale HK$8,000
Encyclopaedia of Hong Kong Taxation in good condition  (up to Dec 2015)                                                                          sale HK$4,500
Hong Kong Company Law in good condition  (up to Sep 2015)                                                                                              sale HK$5,200
Woodfall - Landlord and Tenant (up to Dec 2017)                                                                                                                    sale HK$9,320
Ref HL
Law Reports 1865-2011 in good condition, all in buckram binding & complete in all courts (ICLR) sale HK$160,000
Ref JB: 
Laws of Hong Kong - (Vol. 1 to Vol. 56) in good condition sale HK$50,000
Law Reports 1865 to 2014 in good condition sale HK$150,000
Ref JSM: 
1 complete sets of Laws of Hong Kong – 1991 Edition up to Issue 49 (contains 57 volumes, including Index volume) sale HK$78,000 (each)
Ref KC: 
Law Reports 1865 to 1973 in good condition (reprint) sale HK$50,000
Ref KLY: 
Lloyd's Law Reports 1919-2012 (Bound Volume) sale HK$100,000
Ref RWC: 
The Law Reports 1865-2004 + 2005 subscription, all in rainbow binding and complete in all courts (ICLR) sale HK$144,000
Laws of Hong Kong up to Issue 35 sale HK$60,000
Ref SSCC: 
Laws of Hong Kong up to Issue 49 sale HK$65,000
Ref TL: 
Hong Kong Cases (1946-2015) in good condition sale HK$ 80,000
All England Law Reports (1558-1999) in good condition sale HK$160,000
Ref VC: 
Weekly Law Reports (ICLR): 1953 to 2003 (Vol. 1 only) except 1957 & 2011 (Vol.1 to Vol.3) ; 1957, 2004 to 2010 are missing *Price negotiable. Please provide best offer.  sale HK$75,000*
Ref WCK: 
Criminal Appeal Report 1909-2010 in excellent condition sale HK$300,000
Ref WKLL: 
Halsbury's Statutes of England & Wales 4ed, complete set up to 2007 sale HK$73,080