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Jurisdiction and Arbitration Agreements in Contracts for the Carriage of Goods by Sea: Limitations on Party Autonomy

Jurisdiction and Arbitration Agreements in Contracts for the Carriage of Goods by Sea: Limitations on Party Autonomy
Product ISBN: 9780367243463
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Jurisdiction and Arbitration Agreements in Contracts for the Carriage of Goods by Sea focuses on party autonomy and its limitations in relation to jurisdiction and arbitration clauses included in contracts for the carriage of goods by sea in case of any cargo dispute. The author takes the perspective of the shipping companies and the shipowners, as these are the driving forces of the shipping industry due to their strategic importance.

The book provides an analysis of the existing law on the recognition and validity of jurisdiction and arbitration clauses in the contracts for the carriage of goods by sea. The author also seeks to provide conclusions and to learn lessons for the future of the non-recognition and the non-enforcement of the clauses in the existing fragmented legal framework at an international, European Union, and national level (England & Wales and Spain). The interface between the different legal regimes reveals the lack of international harmonisation and the existence of ‘forum shopping’ when a cargo interest sues the shipowner or the party to whom the shipowner charters the vessel.

This concise book provides a useful overview of existing research, for students, scholars and shipping lawyers

Table of Content

1. Introduction
2. International jurisdiction and arbitration
3. Incorporation of the dispute resolution clauses contained in the charter party into the bill of lading
4. Limitations on jurisdiction and arbitration agreements in case of cargo claims in tort and in bailment
5. Party autonomy and the arrest of ships
6. Limitations on jurisdiction and arbitration clauses by public policy, mandatory rules and overriding mandatory rules in contracts for the carriage of goods by sea
7. Conclusions and a new Perspective